Dalan Animal Health
Who is Dalan Animal Health?
An American biotech company who has developed the first approved bee vaccine in Canada and the US.
The team at Dalan has earn a place on the Time Magazine list of "Best invention of 2023" for their vaccine against American Foul Brood which also was granted CFIA approval in the same year.
Why pair up with Dalan Animal Health against AFB?
American FoulBrood is something that can be disheartening for anyone from newbie to seasoned beekeepers. If an infection is detected in a yard it can be costly, requiring the destruction of infected hives and limiting the ability to move or sell bees for a time. See the Government of Ontario link below for more details.
We believe that reducing stressors, such as brood disease pathogens, has a positive impact on the overall hive productivity. Our team is super excited to be tracking more data this year!
This medication has been proven safe, approved for organic beekeeping, and is easy to use.
The Dalan pipeline is another reason why we wanted to partner up at the onset, Dalan is ever evolving and what they are working on gets us excited!
How does it work and how is it used?
The Dalan vaccine technology exposes queen bees to inactive (i.e., “dead”) bacteria, enabling the larvae hatched in the hive to resist infection.
The medication is administered orally by mixing it with queen candy. The workers then eat, digest and transfer the medication to the glands producing royal jelly. The queen is fed the jelly, where the medication is delivered to her ovaries and eggs. The larvae that hatch from these eggs are then more resistant to AFB infection.